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  User Profiling    



Successful web sites have a built-in capability of analysing a visitor's activity on the site and then using the results to present content optimized for that visitor on their current or return visits. E-commerce engines use personalization software in order to lead visitors to products that are supposedly more likely to suit their requirements, as judged by data collected during their visits.


A Customer Retention

Companies with user profiling products (excluding the major players in application server technology) include the Creativision Publishing Corporation with their product called WebGroove Relate , Coremetrics Inc. and CustomerCentric Solutions. Data collected and analyzed from webserver log files is another related way of obtaining information about visitors.




Usenet is a collection of notes and messages posted to a network by users on a variety of subjects. The network has global access. The collections are organized subject by subject (newsgroups). Participants can start up a new newsgroup.


A Web Promotion and Customer Retention