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  Banner Advertisement    



A graphical web advertising unit which typically measures 468 pixels by 60 pixels


A Web Promotion

Banner ads are one of the dominant forms of advertising online. Such advertising space can be easily secured by buyers at most sites. The standard
468x60 banner ad size is widely accepted. Although there has been a decline in CTR (click-through rates) since the early dates. Fortunately. so too have the prices - so an acceptable return in investment is still achievable as long as attention is made to good placement and design to overcome the increasingly frequent bad experiences of Web surfers.

  Banner Blindness    



The tendency of visitors to ignore banner ads, even if they contain information which that the visitors would find of interest (or are even actively looking for).


A Customer Retention

Because of the intrusive nature of much advertising, many visitors get in the habit of ignoring it to the extent that they don't even see banner ads. This tendency combined with the advent of ad-blocking software can give advertisers a bad time. Advertisers are constantly looking for innovative ways to advertise on the web.

  Banner Exchange    



An arrangement whereby webmasters advertise (using banner advertisements) on other webmasters' websites.


A Web Promotion

An example banner exchange system is link buddies.




Short for 'weblog'


A Web Promotion concept

A weblog is, literally, a 'log' of the web - a site written in the style of a diary, and in which the weblogger' (the author) links to other web pages he or she finds of interest. Using a blog helps you provide fresh, attention-grabbing content anywhere that you have internet access.

  Brower Start-up Scheme    



A website marketing methodology


A Web Promotion resource

These schemes work by encouraging members to visit sites in order to earn credits, usually by setting their browser home page to a special start-up page. These credits are then expended, in turn, by adding the members choice of URLs into the system. In this way, the more sites members visit, the more the members own links are exposed to other members of the same scheme throughout the Web. One of the best schemes is TrafficSwarm. As long as one is prepared to spend some time visiting the supported sites, this is an excellent way of marketing websites.

  Bulletin Board    



An electronic message center.


A Web Promotion concept