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Words or phrases used to perform a search via search engines.


A Web Promotion

People searching for information on the Internet, will typically enter one or more keywords on the search page. When optimising a site for the search engines, you have to predict the keywords that you think their potential visitors might use when looking for their subject matter. And then there is the difficulty of avoiding choosing keywords which are too popular or too niche. Too popular and you are up against hefty competition, too niche and few people will find your web site. Fortunately Overture's (free) keyword suggestion service is at hand. Or, for greater accuracy and more extensive analysis, Alcander can thoroughly recommend the WordTracker service.
Associated Articles : Why Submitting to Loads of Search Engines is not Enough
Related terms and concepts : Keyword Density
Associated Webmasters Resources : WordTracker

  Keyword Density    



The ratio of a keyword or keyphrase to the word depth (number of words on the page).


A Web Promotion

In order to achieve high search engine ranking, your pages need to maintain optimimum keyword density. Keyword density is critical to successful search engine optimization. To rank highly, your keyword density must be moderate. Too low and the relevancy is correspondingly low. Too high and search engines may penalize you. A density of 1% to 7% is generally considered good, though it varies from search engine to search engine. If you use Webposition Gold to optimize your information pages, then the product will greatly assist you in this regard.